Elvis has been dead for 35 years and I have been alive for 35 years, born and bred on the King. Elvis lives, abundantly, he tops the 'dead rich' list, he hangs out with Diana, but he's trash, he's Chinese, he's black, he's female. Elvis is everyday.
This is my fourth year of living Elvisly. I starting in Bundoran, Donegal in 2009. Join me - lonesome cowboys, long-legged girls, on the mystery train, on the gravel road - on another year of the exploration of Elvisness...
Guest post by James Dixon, contemporary archaeologist
used to be a little place on the Old Kent Road called Graceland
Palace. It was an Elvis Presley themed Chinese restaurant run by Paul
Elvis Chan. A few years ago Graceland Palace closed down and the Elvis
murals all over its walls were painted over. Rumour is that Paul Elvis
Chan became ill and returned to China to be treated by a particular
Chinese doctor. The King was dead.
Yesterday I walked past Survey House on Brockley Rise. It was being
stripped out by a building firm using a second-hand Ford Transit van
bearing the logo and contact details of its previous owner, one Paul
Elvis Chan of Graceland Palace Chinese Restaurant (although an attempt
had been made to remove this evidence).
So, the King is alive
and stripping out buildings in south-east London. Today, I also hear
unconfirmed rumours that he has been seen at the Memphis Inn in
1 comment:
He's alive and well! I had dinner with him the other evening.
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